Design Mode Keyboard Shortcuts
When a VDF is selected on the canvas with a mouse click or Ctrl+D.
Moving/Resizing/Rotating Graphics
Up/Down/Left/Right - Move VDF 20 pixels.
Ctrl Up/Down/Left/Right - Move VDF 1 pixel.
Alt Left/Right - Rotate VDF 10 degrees.
Ctrl Alt Left/Right - Rotate VDF 0.5 degrees.
Shift Up/Down/Left/Right - Grow or Shrink VDF 10 pixels.
Ctrl Shift Up/Down/Left/Right - Grow or Shrink VDF 1 pixel.
Shift Up/Down - Increase/Decrease VDF font size 1 point.
• Control Keys
Ctrl B - Font Bold.
Ctrl C - Copy Selected VDF(s).
Ctrl D - Display VDF and activate it on the canvas.
Ctrl E - Bring Focus from Selected VDF on Canvas to command list on HMI.
Ctrl F - Go to Format Tab.
Ctrl G - Insert VDF Graphic.
Ctrl I - Go to Insert tab, also font Italic.
Ctrl K - Open the on-screen keyboard.
Ctrl M - Move mouse to active VDF on canvas or back to HMI.
Ctrl N - Insert new step in the work instructions.
Ctrl O - Insert Confirmation.
Ctrl P - Insert Call Work Program.
Ctrl R - Clear VDF from canvas, does not delete it.
Ctrl S - Save Work Instructions.
Ctrl T - Insert VDF Text.
Ctrl V - Paste Selected VDF(s).
Ctrl U - Font underline.
Ctrl X - Cut selected VDF(s).
Ctrl F11 - Restart LGS application.
Ctrl + - Increase text size of the command list.
Ctrl - - Decrease text size of the command list.
Ctrl Enter - Go to run mode and start from current location.
Ctrl Up - Move instruction up towards the beginning of a work instructions.
Ctrl Down - Move instruction down towards the end of a work instructions.
• Alt Keys
Alt Up/Down - Moves work instructions execution point up/down to start running at that point.
Alt Enter - go to multiline mode for VDF Text, 2nd press finishes typing on VDF Text.
Alt C - changes the fill color for a VDF Drawing.
Alt I - Go to insert menu.
• Single Keys
A - Take focus to angle box.
C - Change color of a VDF Graphic or VDF Text, line color for a VDF Drawing.
H - Take focus to height box.
W - Take focus to width box.
X - Take focus to X-coordinate box.
Y - Take focus to Y-coordinate box.
Del - Delete selected command(s).
Esc - Exit the work instructions.
Enter - Display VDF on canvas.
• Function Keys.
F1 – Help.
F2 - Edit text or comment.
F3 - Open System Settings menu.
F4 - View IO table with variables.
F5 - Restart work instructions.
F8 - Run work instructions up to the next confirmation.
F12 - Log user in/out.
In the Settings Menu, the F1, F2, etc. keys will navigate from tab to tab.
• Mouse Wheel
The mouse wheel will change VDF sizes for VDF Text and Graphics, and the line thickness for VDF Draw.
Run Mode Keyboard Shortcuts
F2 - Immediately go to design mode on the running work instructions (if enabled).
Ctrl F8 - Activate $LEFT_BUTTON variable.
Ctrl F9 - Activate $RIGHT_BUTTON variable.
Esc - Abort the work instructions (if enabled).