2. Keyboard Shortcuts

Design Mode Keyboard Shortcuts

When a VDF is selected on the canvas with a mouse click or Ctrl+D.

Moving/Resizing/Rotating Graphics

Up/Down/Left/Right - Move VDF 20 pixels.

Ctrl Up/Down/Left/Right - Move VDF 1 pixel.

Alt Left/Right - Rotate VDF 10 degrees.

Ctrl Alt Left/Right - Rotate VDF 0.5 degrees.

Shift Up/Down/Left/Right - Grow or Shrink VDF 10 pixels.

Ctrl Shift Up/Down/Left/Right - Grow or Shrink VDF 1 pixel.

Shift Up/Down - Increase/Decrease VDF font size 1 point.

• Control Keys

Ctrl B - Font Bold.

Ctrl C - Copy Selected VDF(s).

Ctrl D - Display VDF and activate it on the canvas.

Ctrl E - Bring Focus from Selected VDF on Canvas to command list on HMI.

Ctrl F - Go to Format Tab.

Ctrl G - Insert VDF Graphic.

Ctrl I - Go to Insert tab, also font Italic.

Ctrl K - Open the on-screen keyboard.

Ctrl M - Move mouse to active VDF on canvas or back to HMI.

Ctrl N - Insert new step in the work instructions.

Ctrl O - Insert Confirmation.

Ctrl P - Insert Call Work Program.

Ctrl R - Clear VDF from canvas, does not delete it.

Ctrl S - Save Work Instructions.

Ctrl T - Insert VDF Text.

Ctrl V - Paste Selected VDF(s).

Ctrl U - Font underline.

Ctrl X - Cut selected VDF(s).

Ctrl F11 - Restart LGS application.

Ctrl + - Increase text size of the command list.

Ctrl - - Decrease text size of the command list.

Ctrl Enter - Go to run mode and start from current location.

Ctrl Up - Move instruction up towards the beginning of a work instructions.

Ctrl Down - Move instruction down towards the end of a work instructions.

Alt Keys

Alt Up/Down - Moves work instructions execution point up/down to start running at that point.

Alt Enter - go to multiline mode for VDF Text, 2nd press finishes typing on VDF Text.

Alt C - changes the fill color for a VDF Drawing.

Alt I - Go to insert menu.

Single Keys

A - Take focus to angle box.

C - Change color of a VDF Graphic or VDF Text, line color for a VDF Drawing.

H - Take focus to height box.

W - Take focus to width box.

X - Take focus to X-coordinate box.

Y - Take focus to Y-coordinate box.

Del - Delete selected command(s).

Esc - Exit the work instructions.

Enter - Display VDF on canvas.

Function Keys.

F1 – Help.

F2 - Edit text or comment.

F3 - Open System Settings menu.

F4 - View IO table with variables.

F5 - Restart work instructions.

F8 - Run work instructions up to the next confirmation.

F12 - Log user in/out.

In the Settings Menu, the F1, F2, etc. keys will navigate from tab to tab.

Mouse Wheel

The mouse wheel will change VDF sizes for VDF Text and Graphics, and the line thickness for VDF Draw.

Run Mode Keyboard Shortcuts

F2 - Immediately go to design mode on the running work instructions (if enabled).

Ctrl F8 - Activate $LEFT_BUTTON variable.

Ctrl F9 - Activate $RIGHT_BUTTON variable.

Esc - Abort the work instructions (if enabled).