3. Creating New Work Instructions

New Work Instruction


Creating a new work instruction is the first step in designing work instructions in Light Guide.

Creating New Work Instructions Picture1

  1. Enter Design
  2. Press the New
  3. Add the desired name, and comment.

Creating New Work Instructions Picture2


Edit a Work Instruction

You can also edit existing Light Guide work instructions.

Creating New Work Instructions Picture3

  1. Enter Design
  2. Select the work instructions you would like to edit.
  3. Either double click or click the Open


Rename a work instruction.

This can be done in two different ways.

Option 1 is to navigate to C:\Program Files\OPS Solutions\Light Guide Systems\VDFPrograms or wherever you have your LGS programs saved and rename it through the file explorer.

Option 2 is to duplicate the work instruction and rename the duplicated version when it prompts you in LGS.

Creating New Work Instructions Picture4